雨の中の紫陽花/Hydrangea in the Rain

Hydrangea (日本語は後に続く)Yesterday, I took a walk even though it was raining. This hydrangea in the rain caught my eye. It wasn't a vivid blue. It wasn't a rare kind. It wasn't in a spectacular setting. It was just along an ordinary ci…

日常生活の中の嬉しいこと/Something Happy in My Daily Life

My New Hit Song (日本語は後に続く)For this entry in my bilingual blog about my daily life, I have something special to talk about. My new single "My New Hit Song,"will be on sale from I-Tunes June 10th! It is something happy for me, and …

お散歩/ A Walk

お散歩道 (日本語は後に続く)In this bilingual blog about my daily life, I often talk about meals, however, there are other things I do to take care of myself as well. One of them is walking. I really like walking around my neighborhood an…

オーブン焼き/Oven Cooking

ドリア/Rice Gratin (日本語は後に続く)The star of today's bilingual blog about my daily life is Doria! Doria is a kind of gratin that has rice as a base. It is named after the Doria family of Genoa (Genova,Italy). This was really easy to …

朝からスマイル/Starting with a Smile

ハッシュ ポテト The other day, I wanted to make something that would be easy for breakfast, but something that would give us a happy feeling, so I just drew happy faces on hash browns with ketchup. Ketchup is so convenient for decorating! …

フレンチトースト/French Toast

French Toast (日本語はこの後)I had milk and eggs and was in the mood for French toast so....I made it! Actually, was out of maple syrup so I sprinkled it with cinnamon, sugur, and a tiny bit of nutmeg. A yummy breakfast helps to power th…

Garlic Rice/ガーリック・ライス

Garlic Rice (日本語は後に続く)In this photo is fried garlic rice. The ingredients in the order I put them in the frying pan are are olive oil, garlic, chikuwa (fish paste pre-cooked into a bamboo shape) ,cooked rice and a little salt. Tha…

ちょっと嬉しい株主優待/Shareholder Benefits Give a Bit of Joy

株主優待券 A little while ago, I was glad to get these shareholder coupons from Aeon. I can use them until June of next year. These give me a ¥100 discount for every ¥1,000 I spend at Aeon. I don't have a lot of stock, but when I get div…

朝食の時間/Breakfast time

朝食の時間 Recently, breakfast time is my favorite time of day. I like that time for setting my goals for the day and for setting up my frame of mind. Seasonal items,such as the roses in this photo, remind me to be thankful for the gift of…

シンプルな夕飯/A Simple Supper

asparagus rolls For a simple supper, I boiled asparagus slightly and rolled it in pork that was sprinkled lightly with salt and pepper and then cooked it in a frying pan. Once the pork was nicely browned I dolloped it with sauce that was j…

春の朝ごはん/Spring breakfast

爽やかな朝ごはん This morning for a refreshing spring breakfast, we had granola topped with yogurt, kiwi and strawberry gelatin. The cute two tone gelatin was easy to make. I just followed the instructions on the instant gelatin box, but i…

vegitarian side dish/ベジタリアン小皿料理

和え物 This is a vegitarian side dish I made. First I boiled carrot and shimeji mushrooms and then added spinach last to the boiling water. I squickly squeezed out the extra liguid using a strainer and then mixed it quickly in a bowl with …

Stress Free Cooking/ストレスのない調理

Chicken Rice Now that I am staying at home and cooking three meals a day, it is important for me that cooking stays stress free. This chicken rice for lunch was delicious and easy to make. After sauteing the onions, chicken and then green …

Sustainable Sandwich/ 持続可能なサンドイッチ

Sustainable Sandwich I have been social distancing which means I am making meals at home to share with my husband three times a day❣ The meals have to be creative so that we don't get bored, have enough variety so that we get proper nutrit…

Making a happy world/ ハッピーな世界づくり

Happy World/Rabbits Spring! These year's spring is kind of strange and sad because of the Corona virus pandemic. But still, in nature it is spring. A time for fresh starts...new beginings. So, what kind of new beginnings will we have? What…

Sea Food Salad/シーフード・サラダ

Seafood Salad This seafood salad is a simple tuna salad with wakame (seaweed) and immitation crab. What made it special was the added dried shrip flakes (sakura-ebi). This is a good way to get plenty of calcium for strong bones! このシーフ…


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsqK9IoZHLQ 自分で作詞作曲した「平成最後の冬」かなり期間限定な曲をYouTubeに乗せました! 平成の内に聞いてみてね!


音楽を楽しむ 今回は普段と少し違う投稿です。12月15日18:00から喫茶プリーズ山手 (名古屋市昭和区山手通3-16)でクリスマス ライブ(¥500)をするのがとても楽しみで!今年の選曲はAmazing Grace, Silent Night, Country Roads, The Rose 等と…






キノコ類です!簡単調理のマッシュルーム・スープです。時々メニューに加えればハッピーで健康的な一日のスタートに良いでしょう。二人分の作り方: マッシュルーム 一パック(6~7個)をスライスして、小さめの鍋で適量のバターでソテーします。(この時,木…




我が家で人気があるのは骨付き鳥のトマト煮込み!ゆっくり炒めた玉ねぎでおいしさもスタミナもたっぷりです。味付けはブイヨン、胡椒、ローズマリー、ナツメグ...そして骨をや肉を柔らかくしてうまみを出すのは隠し味のコーラ! (入れすぎると甘くなるけ…



いい朝!=Good morning




イラストby Laura はてなブログを初めました。このイラストは自作CDの「人生の観覧車」の歌詞カードイラストの内の一つです。ちょこちょこ日常的なことを書いてみますのでどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。