オーブン焼き/Oven Cooking


ドリア/Rice Gratin

(日本語は後に続く)The star of today's bilingual blog about my daily life is Doria! Doria is a kind of gratin that has rice as a base. It is named after the Doria family of Genoa (Genova,Italy). This was really easy to make. I just mixed retort meat sauce and roasted garlic in with some left-over rice, put it in a casserole dish oiled with olive oil, sprinkled it with a tiny bit of nutmeg and oregano, topped it with bits of ham, sliced mushrooms and green pepper, covered it with sliced cheese and baked it in a preheated oven at 250 degrees Celcius for ten minutes.

Oven cooking is pleasant and fun!



私のバイリンガル絵本、Happy World:
