今年のクリスマスクッキー/This year's Christmas Cookies


クリスマス クッキー

(日本語は後に続く)I started my Christmas cooking early this year in that I already made cookies and we already ate them! I kept them somewhat healthful in that instead of using icing, I kneaded matcha powder into some of the dough and used seed mix for decorations. The seed mix contained almonds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and wolfberries. I thought that using wolfberries would be pretty because of their red color, but in the oven they became brown and a little bit bitter, so I am not sure that I would recommend it. Oh, well... In general they were still rather tasty and went well with coffee! How was your year, dear readers? In spite of the pandemic, I hope it turned out better than my Christmas cookies :D. As for me, I am grateful to say that my work started picking up again from Autumn and the extra days I had spent staying at home were a good chance to remember gratitude for time spent with family. The exciting thing for me is that my newest e-book, "Ellie the Tree Fairy," is now available on Kindle from Amazon. I hope that 2021will be full of blessings for everyone.

Happy holidays❣

今年はクリスマス料理を少し早めに開始しようと思い、早くもクッキーを作って既に皆で食べました!今年は健康的なのクッキーにしようと思い粉砂糖のアイシングを辞めて、一部の生地に抹茶パウダーを練りこみ、シードミックスを飾りました。シードミクスはアーモンド、カボチャの種とクコの実。クコの実の赤い色はきっと綺麗かと思ったらオーブンで茶色くなり、すこし苦味があったためあまりお勧めできない感じですがそれでも、、、、何となく美味しかったしコーヒーとの相性も良かったです。皆様の今年一年間はいかがでしたか?私のクリスマスクッキーよりはうまくいきましたか?(笑)そう願います。私の場合はお陰様で秋ぐらいから再び仕事が順調になり、家にステイ ホームしていた時期は家族と時間を過ごせる事への感謝を吟味できました。ワクワクすることと言えば私の電子絵本,Ellie the Tree Fairy (樹の妖精、エリー)は今アマゾンのキンドルで発売中に になっていることです。皆様にとって2021年が恵の多い年でありますように。どうぞ良い年末年始をお迎えください❣

Ellie the Tree Fairy:

Amazon | Ellie the Tree Fairy (English Edition) [Kindle edition] by 嶋本, ローラ | Literature & Fiction | Kindleストア

Christmas Magic Lights:

Christmas Magic Lights - YouTube