古い磁器/Old Porcelain


カジキ swordfish

(和訳はあとに続く)The other day, I sauted swordfish in butter with a tiny sprinkle of salt and plenty of oregano and white pepper. I served it with asparagus as well as sauted zucchini seasoned with roasted garlic, ketchup and nutmeg. I used old porcelain plates given to me long ago by my paternal grandmother.  In my last blog I was talking about mindfulness. This time however, using these dishes reminded me of time...and how gems of wisdom can be learned from both the successes and failures we can find in the treasure trove of history. Also, long term views into the future can help clarify our vision and help ensure that we remain high in our ideals. I suppose that reflecting on the past, present and future can teach us many things.

先日、ほんの少しのお塩と沢山のオレガノと白コショウでカジキのバター焼きをしました。盛り合わせにゆでたアスパラとロースト ガーリック、ナツメグとケチャップで



I talk alot about various reflections in the explanation pages of my singing picture book,

"Happy World."




Thank you for reading my blog!
