レーズン・クッキー/Raisin Cookies


raisin cookies

(日本語は後に続く)I had too many raisins so~, I made too many cookies and ran out of wax paper! They look funny but are really delicious. We have an old saying in English, " You can't judge a book by it's cover." It means that one can't really know about someone or something merely from appearances. Anyway, the gas oven made our kitchen nice and warm, so baking was a pleasant way to spend the cold winter afternoon. We had some with tea at 3:00, and are giving some to a neighborhood friend, but we still have a cookie mountain on our dining room table!



My most recent audio/e-book:

Amazon | Ellie the Tree Fairy (English Edition) [Kindle edition] by 嶋本, ローラ | Literature & Fiction | Kindleストア


My most recent youtube video:

An old Japanese song, Shiretoko Ryojou(知床旅情) - YouTube


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